Long Life with Energy

Age is not a number—it is a complex combination of factors that you have the ability to control to feel and look younger. We use state-of-the-art testing to determine your biological age and then develop a plan to reverse the biological aging process and significantly increase your energy levels.


What’s Your Biological Age?

Our Long Life with Energy program answers this question and provides a plan to extend your healthspan & lifespan.

How it Works

Utilizing state-of-the-art technology, advanced lab work, and the latest research, we determine your causes of aging. Together, we then design a routine to attack these causes at their sources with exercise, food, supplements, sleep, and stress relieving practices. We meet as often as you like, retesting and adjusting the plan as necessary.


Testing & Analysis

We first evaluate your health status to establish a baseline, health goals, and health plan using physical assessments, lab work, Bio-Energy Testing, and other tools.


Therapy & Coaching

We work together to create a therapy plan that includes using physical training, diet, supplements, and more.



Throughout the program you will have th option to repeat many of the initial tests that are pertinent to your health goals and adjust your therapy plan as needed.


Long Life with Energy Testing

The program includes the following rare tests. In addition to providing testing that is rarely done, Phydos Clinic uses little known algorithms to analyze results. The combination of our testing and analysis provides information that is key to age reversal and increased energy.

  • Using the most effective and efficient assessment tools research offers, we can isolate and evaluate all components of physical health to design a targeted strategy for improving the areas needed most.

  • - Food sensitivity testing

    - Hormone analysis

    - DNA methylation detection

    - Telomere length measurement

    - Epigenetic testing

  • Another one-of-a-kind test that uses a light on a small area of arm skin for 12 seconds to excite autofluorescence of Advanced Glycation End products in skin tissue. In simpler terms, the device measures how many damaged proteins are clogging your tissues and preventing your optimal function.

  • Heart Rate Variability is a relatively new measurement that analyzes the timing between heart beats and therefore, the balance of the autonomic system. Too low of variability can mean a person’s sympathetic nervous system is underperforming and may not respond as quickly as needed in states of stress. Meanwhile, too high of variability can represent an overexcited fight or flight response that expends extra energy than is needed for the body to maintain homeostasis.

  • The first and best test of its kind that determines your precise mitochondrial efficiency and the factors that are impeding optimal energy production.

Scheduling & Pricing

Visit 1 (30 min):
Free discovery session

Visit 2 (2 hours)*:
Bio-Energy Test, Blood draw (Bio Age from CBC/CMP), Physical tests, AGE, HRV

*You have the option to divide tests into two separate visits if you prefer. There is no additional charge of this.

Visit 3 (1 hour):
Analysis and review of results

TOTAL PRICE (including all tests, three visits, and analysis): $275 

How We Create Energy

Energy is often thought of in a figurative sense, yet it is the foundational, physical material that is responsible for life and the quality of it.

Each of our cells have powerful structures called mitochondria that use glucose and oxygen to create water, carbon dioxide, and energy, constantly. Since every process in the body requires energy, including continuous cellular repair and regeneration, our mitochondria’s efficiency at creating energy is vital for our ability to achieve and maintain health. For many reasons, our mitochondrial efficiency often decreases with age and is the primary cause responsible for all symptoms and diseases related to aging.

Recent research, technology, testing, and therapies now allow specific detection and careful implementation of ways to optimize any individual's energy production.

The Long Life with Energy program is designed according to your health status and goals to stop any hindrances to your mitochondria making energy and incorporate all activities that optimize their efficiency.

Get Started

Take the first step in your health journey and set up your free Long Life with Energy Consultation. It is always the perfect time to start your journey toward a healthier, happier, longer life