
Homeopathic medicine has been in continuous in the United States for at least the past 100 years.  It involves the use of natural substances that have been specially prepared through dilution and potentization.  There are hundreds of medicines which are made from all kinds of different herbs, minerals, and other natural substances.

Dr. Samuel Hahnneman, a European medical doctor, created homeopathy over two hundred years ago.  Though the concepts on which this system is based have been in use far longer in medical systems around the world.  It revolves around the concept of “like cures like”.  So for example, symptoms caused by taking a large amount of a particular substance can be cured by taking a very tiny amount of the same substance.

Homeopathic medicines are prescribed on the basis of symptoms that a person is experiencing, and a detailed discussion of the health issues must occur before the correct remedy can be chosen.